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What Our Clients Are Saying


“I recommend Kim Wells and GenNext Performance to any organization that recognizes that developing their people improves performance and profitability. Kim’s an expert in coaching leaders to directly engage their strengths and surpass their challenges to be in alignment with their corporate culture. Consequently, this development propels them to personal and professional success.” 
Anne Doris
Regional Vice President


"Kim R. Wells is a proven leader and executive coach. He inspires accomplished executives to achieve to their full potential in their professional development and personal lives. It is my distinct pleasure to recommend him and his firm as one of the finest in delivering elite executive coaching services." 


Jean Marie Jean Pierre, Ph.D.

Associate Chief for IT Programs 

Informations Technologies Communications Directorate

NASA Goddard 



"I had a chanced meeting with Mr Kim R Wells in Washington DC and I saw the need to enroll for a coaching period which was delivered with excellence. Kim went the extra mile beyond the contract terms to ensure that I not only received value for every penny I invested, but also he delivered to my extreme satisfaction. From problem solving of challenges my global firm faced to succession planning and performance measurement, down to even issues of personal nature, there was no angle left untouched. This is commitment and passion at it's best! I am a better executive and person after our coaching sessions. I recommend Mr Kim R. Wells to any executive wishing to progress and or stabilize in their career." 


Shuaibu Idris

Managing Director,

Time Line Consult Limited, Lagos, Nigeria



"Throughout high school and college, I had several athletic coaches that positively influenced my performance on the field and a few even had a favorable impact on my personal growth.  Recently, I've been determined to elevate my career to the next level and my wife suggested that I identify and approach a possible mentor within my organization, a Fortune 500 company.  Following a few unsuccessful attempts, I began to research the executive coaching concept.  After numerous reviews, I found GenNext Performance, LLC and sought additional details about the program.  My initial conversation with managing partner, Mr. Kim Wells, was both insightful and revealing.  Within the next few days, I began to partner with Mr. Wells to enhance my executive presence in the workplace.  In the initial phase of the program, I completed a Behavioral Profile Assessment which outlined personalized strategies to positively intensify my management style and influence.  Mr. Wells also helped me to develop a strategy that positioned me for a "promotion" for another Fortune 500 company!  Lastly, he suggested that I carry out a 360-Perception exercise and it proved to be an extremely powerful method of allowing me to capture how I'm perceived as an executive leader.  "Coach" Wells and GenNext Performance have challenged me to continue leveraging my strengths and to confront my areas of opportunity..... Thanks Coach Wells!"


John- Philadelphia 

Fortune 500 Senior Sales Executive 



“I have been fortunate enough to work with Kim Wells during a company reorganization and a career transition. Kim provides a unique relationship based approach for executive coaching and offers insightful strategies for personal and professional  development. Kim was able to easily identify my strengths and weaknesses and developed a tailored program that is helping me to advance my leadership abilities. Kim is pleasant, yet direct; he has challenged me and has put me on a good path for my next career move.


Joe McLaughlin

Resident District Manager


Quality of Life Services



"Three years ago I was an ambitious professional starting my career as a Specialist within a leading government security agency. While that may have been true , it wasn't until I began my Executive Coaching engagement with Kim Wells that I realized that I had not yet tapped into my true potential. Reflecting back on the better of two years with Mr. Wells, I have become recognized as a major contributor by my  senior managers. I can  now truly say that my executive coaching with Mr. Wells has paid major dividends with two major promotions, and has had a major impact on my personal life. My executive coaching with Mr. Wells was hands down the best investment that I have ever made in my career and life."


Jay - Washington, DC

Senior Government Security Professional






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