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Executive Coaching


In today's competitive business environment successful leaders don't  get what they want..., only what they prepare for.


The GenNext coaching method is comprehensive, process-driven, and proven to empower and transform the careers of executives and emerging leaders. Our proven process is based on over 25 years of experience and research empowering professionals at all levels, across all generations, genders, ethnicities and cultures. Our clients will leave every session with applied tactics, strategies, and confidence to problem solve, accelerate professional performance, and to boldly engage business opportunities. 

Key Benefits of the GenNext Coaching Process: 


  • Enhances the professional and personal clarity of clients

  • Positions leaders for accelerated success and enhanced compensation

  • Provides proven process and strategies for transitioning professionals

  • Every session provides applied tools to solve complex problems

  • Process incorporates multiple assessment tools, diagnostics, and behavior audits 

  • Sharpens capability and confidence in leading high performance teams

  • Introduces strategies to enhance working relationships with senior leaders

  • Provides a "confidential" environment for professional and personal reflection

  • Offers affordable packages that generate an immediate ROI

Contact us for additional information and

a complimentary consultation

All coaching engagements involve unique combinations of over 20 leadership assessment tools and exercises that enhance self mastery, relationship mastery and business mastery. All assessments and exercises are carefully reviewed with clients, are relevant and immediately applied to professional settings. 

Contact us at 240.370.4385

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